Message received: Sent on behalf of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus We, the members of the San Francisco Symphony Chorus, are reaching out to our friends and supporters to express our deep, ongoing concern about […]
Ensemble 360. Crucible Playhouse, 22.05.2024 Ravel Berceuse sur le nom de Gabriel Fauré, MA 74 (1972) Saint-Saëns Oboe Sonata in D major, Op. 166 (1921) Adès Alchymia (2021) Messager Solo de Concours (1899) Franck Piano Quintet in F minor, […]
Remember this? If you can’t decipher it, the caption says: B&H can supply you with the new model. NO the Euphonium. Not the Girl. What were they thinking? The post When Boosey was all […]