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Breaking: NY Phil oboe sues for defamation

Breaking: NY Phil oboe sues for defamation

Liang Wang, suspended principal oboe of the New York Philharmonic, today filed suit against New York Magazine/Vox and reporter Sammy Sussman, claiming $100 million in punitive damages.

The substance of the suit is this: ‘The article (by Sussman on April 12) attempts to reinforce the allegation of drugging, as against Wang, by misleadingly implying that (horn player Cara) Kizer and the Philharmonic accused Wang of drugging her, when in actuality, neither did. The arbitration decision that Sussman claimed to have reviewed is abundantly clear that Wang faced no such accusation from either Kizer or the Philharmonic… In point of fact, Kizer never accused Wang of drugging or doing anything else to her.’

The case has been filed in Federal court, in the Southern District of New York.

The basis of the damages claim is ‘catastrophic harm to reputation’ and loss of earnings. It concludes: ‘The article, although false, caused Wang to instantly become a pariah. Within days of its publication, nearly every position Wang occupies or relationship he has in the world of classical music—all built up over several decades—was severed. Worst of all, although Wang has been a member of the Philharmonic since 2006, the publication of the false article resulted in his immediate suspension from performing or rehearsing with the Philharmonic—or even entering its building.’

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