September 19, 2024
Athens, GR 22 C
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Bayreuth’s night of 3 Parsifals

Bayreuth’s night of 3 Parsifals

Here’s what the programme says:

Andreas Schager

Tilmann Unger
7.8. (Umbesetzung)
(1. Aufzug)

Klaus Florian Vogt
7.8. (Umbesetzung)
(2. und 3. Aufzug)

What happened?

Schager got sick. Vogt was flown in but missed a flight connection so Unger jumped in for Act 1. Very credibly, spectators say. Vogt took over for the second and third acts. He’s still leading the field as Jump-in of the Year.



The post Bayreuth’s night of 3 Parsifals appeared first on Slippedisc.

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