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Who’s making how much at the NY Phil

Who’s making how much at the NY Phil

The accounts are in for the fiscal year ending August 2023, and here are the top earners:

Music director Van Zweden (via Bajada Productions) … $1,525,711

Executive director Deborah Borda … $1,317,344 plus $400,000 bonus

Incoming CEO Gary Ginstling … $117,262 plus $55,000 bonus

Concertmaster Frank Huang … $361,713 plus $548,139 in bonuses

Principal oboe Liang Wang (pictured) … $253,524 plus $326,520

Principal clarinet Anthony McGill $394,715.

Notes to the accounts:

Van Zweden earned a huge parallel salary at the Hong Kong Philharmonic and was guest conducting energetically to secure another post.

Ginstling quit in the middle of his second year.

Wang was suspended amid sexual allegations.

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