September 19, 2024
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Some of the most stable music organisations

Some of the most stable music organisations

Folks have lately pointed out the merits of Peoples’ Symphony Concerts, which ‘presents world-class music for people of modest incomes in New York City’ (or so it says on the wrapper).

The series, founded in 1900, has been run since 1941 by just two 2 managers – Joseph Mann, for 32 years until his death in 1972 and Frank Salomon for the last 52 years. Is this a record?

Here’s another. The City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, presently undergoing a spell of turbulence, has got by for 63 years with just three managers:

Arthur Baker, 18 years

Ed Smith, 22 years

Stephen Maddock, 24 years

Any other comparable paragons of stability?

The post Some of the most stable music organisations appeared first on Slippedisc.

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