October 5, 2024
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Make Classical Archives Your Place to Explore the Recordings of Maurizio Pollini

Make Classical Archives Your Place to Explore the Recordings of Maurizio Pollini
Maurizio Pollini Interview with Bruce Duffie . . . . .

Maurizio Pollini

The magnificent Italian pianist Maurizio Pollini passed away on March 24 at age 82.

Pollini was an aristocratic, refined pianist who excelled in playing Chopin, Brahms and of course, Beethoven. Yet he also explored new music throughout his career and was something of a political radical. And what a pianist he was. According to one famous story about him, after he competed in the final round of the Chopin Competition in 1960, Arthur Rubenstein, who was judging, turned to the other jurors and said, “We might as well go home. That boy can play the piano better than any of us.” Needless to mention, Pollini won.


Pollini Recordings on Classical Archives

There are many to savor on Classical Archives if you are a member. Be sure to explore his listings HERE.

But if you will permit us to make some suggestions, here are some of our favorite recordings to enjoy.

Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 5 (“Emperor”) with the Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma conducted by Massimo Pradella

Chopin Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Paul Kletzki

Chopin Piano Works (selected)

Mozart Piano Concerto No. 19 with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conduced by Karl Boehm

Maurizio Pollini may have passed on. But his recordings will remain for all time.

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