As part of the regular Peter’s Music slot at the German YMCA in London, I will be talking next week on Wednesday 12 March 2025 (at 2pm). The venue is at 35 Craven Terrace, W2 3EL not far from Lancaster Gate Tube.
Behind the Music: hear me live at the German YMCA in London
The German YMCA in London has a lively programme of events including regular music related talks and performances, and their March programme includes a recital from violinist Madeleine Mitchell and pianist Nigel Clayton.
The talk is called Behind the Music. Unusually I will be talking about music in relation to myself and my activities as composer, writer and its subtitle is perhaps Music in my life & my life in music.
There will be a chance for questions after the talk, so do please come along and say hello.
Further details from the German YMCA in London’s website