September 17, 2024
Athens, GR 23 C
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A young American at the Concertgebouw

A young American at the Concertgebouw

The Dutch orchestra has just released named of its 14 Academy members for the coming season. All are EU citizens, bar one American:

Lena Aigner (Austria): violin
Katharina Von Behren (Germany): violin
Pauline Herold (Germany): violin
Sam Panner (USA): violin
Valerie Schweighofer (Germany): violin
Francisca Galante (Portugal): viola
Felipe Manzano (Spain): viola
Pietro Silvestri (Italy): cello
Ana García Sánchez (Spain): double bass
Andreia Da Costa (Portugal): flute
Javier Sanz Pascual (Spain): bassoon
Lou-Anne Dutreix (France): horn
Tomás Ferreira (Portugal): trombone
Gerben Jongsma (Netherlands): percussion

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