In today’s budget statement in Cardiff there was a derisory increase of £1.5 million for the Arts Council of Wales. That will barely cover the rise in coffee prices. The chorus of Welsh National Opera […]
The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology has developed an Audio2MIDI link to convert audio recordings into musical scores. The service works in Telegram. To use it, you need to launch the Audio2MIDI bot , click “Start”, […]
The classical guitarist David Chevallier has announced the death from cancer of his beloved wife, international soprano Anne Magouët. After 6 years of a tough fight against cancer, Anne Magouët, my wife, my muse, turned […]
Katharina Wagner has said she’s ‘disappointed’ at having to cut four operas from the anniversary season of 2026. ‘But what can you do? You can’t ignore reality.’ She blames national wage rises for the shortfall. […]
From the family and friends of Emily Hoh: We are hosting a memorial concert to celebrate the life of our beloved daughter, sister and friend, collaborative pianist Yining Emily Hoh, who passed away on the […]
The death has belatedly been brought to our attention of Jeannette Sinclair, principal soprano at the Royal Opera House from 1956 to 1966. She died on April 11, her 96th birthday. Jeannette sang Sister Constance […]
For their series Lights in the Dark at the Royal Festival Hall (with two concerts at the Royal Albert Hall), the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and music director Vasily Petrenko explore the many ways in which […]
The orchestra’s main suppporter, the Zell family, put in an extra fifty mill yesterday to ‘to secure long-term financial stability.’ They must be feeling pretty secure this morning around Symphony Center. Here’s the official announcement: […]
Looking towards the sixtieth anniversary (2025) of Elizabeth Poston’s Penguin Book of Carols (1965), initially undertaken with Ralph Vaughan Williams, this new recording presents music associated with these two composers (including Poston’s arrangement of Peter […]
London Youth Opera’s latest production is a new opera, The Quest inspired by the Auden and Isherwood play, The Ascent of F6. The opera has a clear, contemporary message both for the young performers and for […]