September 19, 2024
Athens, GR 23 C
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Yannick’s rock version of Beethoven’s 5th. Your thoughts?

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At Bayreuth, tonight’s Dutchman has dropped out

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What is ‘ethnically-led’ Wagner?

What is ‘ethnically-led’ Wagner?

You are about to find out. From the press release: …Wagner’s The Flying Dutchman (Der fliegende Holländer) comes to The Bradshaw Hall at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire this July. In what is believed to be the […]

F-X Roth is still cancelling

F-X Roth is still cancelling

The Councertgebouw has announced a replacement for the French conductor who is struggling with disclosures of dick-pics that he sent to female musicians. At issue is an ambitious Schoenberg weekend in October: François-Xavier Roth, who […]