March 29, 2025
Athens, GR 14 C
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Hilary Hahn: I’m under AI attack

Hilary Hahn: I’m under AI attack

The US violinist has posted this message on her socials:

Hi all, I’ve received reports that someone has been using AI to create videos impersonating me. I’d like to reiterate that my only social media accounts are Facebook (@hilaryhahn), Instagram (@Violincase), TikTok (@hilaryhahnofficial), Twitter (@violincase), and YouTube (@hilaryhahnvideos). Anyone reaching out from any other handle is neither me nor is it anyone affiliated with me.

We have a very special community here, and I am so grateful to have such an incredible fanbase. Please know that neither I nor my management would ever reach out to ask for money in exchange for meetings, private lessons, backstage access, or any other services. If in doubt, please don’t engage with suspicious posts, and please continue to report impersonators.


The post Hilary Hahn: I’m under AI attack appeared first on Slippedisc.

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