March 19, 2025
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Just in: Bayreuth tenor quits with blast at Katharina Wagner

Just in: Bayreuth tenor quits with blast at Katharina Wagner

We understand that Jörg Golombek, a leading tenor in the Bayreuth Festival chorus, has sent an open letter to Katharina Wagner, accusing her of wrecking the institution.

The key paragraph in a very long screed is this:

Die bisherigen Festspielchormitglieder haben alle freiwillig in Bayreuth gearbeitet, hatten allergrößtes Interesse am erfolgreichen Fortbestand ihres Chores und waren stets eine zuverlässige Säule der Bayreuther Festspiele – statt darauf aufzubauen, haben Sie dieses einzigartige Ensemble zerstört.

Festival Choir members all worked voluntarily in Bayreuth, had a keen interest in the continued success of their choir, and were always a reliable pillar of the Bayreuth Festival – instead of building upon that, you have destroyed this unique ensemble.

The post Just in: Bayreuth tenor quits with blast at Katharina Wagner appeared first on Slippedisc.

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