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Just in: Rotterdam Phil replaces its management

Just in: Rotterdam Phil replaces its management
Just in: Rotterdam Phil replaces its management

A po-faced press release from the Dutch orchestra:

We are pleased to announce that our new management will take office on August 19, 2024. From that date, Rob Streevelaar is General Manager and Piet van Gennip is Business Director. Will you welcome them with us? Both are no strangers to the sector: Streevelaar made his mark with the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra|Netherlands Chamber Orchestra and recently Philzuid. Van Gennip has been director of Het Balletorkest in recent years.

The pair replace George Wiegel as Managing Director and Jaap Lampe as Business Director. There is no word of thanks or farewell.

No idea what’s happened to them.

The post Just in: Rotterdam Phil replaces its management appeared first on Slippedisc.

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