September 19, 2024
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Now Berlin cuts music lessons in schools

Now Berlin cuts music lessons in schools

This message has been posted by the Komische Oper Berlin, some of whose musicians are freelance school teachers:

As one of the most important cultural institutions in Berlin, the Komische Oper Berlin has been committed to promoting culture and musical education for children and young people for many years through a very extensive education program that has now become an essential part of our repertoire. In particular, through our educational offerings in the area of ​​children’s operas and children’s concerts for schools, we also reach children who would be denied access to cultural education and integration for various reasons if it were not for the support of such projects and institutions in Berlin. These children are our future, not only as guests in our house and in other cultural institutions, but also as potential new talent for our wonderful profession.

We all know that education is the key to a peaceful future, that music can connect cultures without any barriers and overcome borders. Our entire society and the survival of all cultures depends on these being lived and practiced, that children must have the opportunity, even if they come from poorer families, to learn instruments themselves and thus become part of those who continue to live and pass on our colorful culture.

As an essential part of education, our lecturers and freelance staff at music schools and music colleges lay the foundation for this. There are now also many intercultural offerings that reflect our society, build bridges and create a connection between the most diverse cultures. The impending loss of freelance staff in the musical and artistic fields would deprive many children, young people and adults of affordable lessons and targeted support. The consequences for our society would be unforeseeable. It is a significant investment in the future of our families, our children, our culture, society and democratic participation and a sign against exclusion.

We reject the idea that artistic education should be made dependent on the financial situation of the parents and thus become a privilege for the “higher earners”. Of course, we are in favor of permanent employment of the current freelancers in order to provide them with social security and better pay. However, if it becomes apparent that this cannot be financed to the extent necessary, a way must be found to retain the freelancers anyway.

We therefore urgently ask all decision-makers to find a solution to maintain the offerings at the music schools.
The Orchestra of the Komische Oper Berlin.

The post Now Berlin cuts music lessons in schools appeared first on Slippedisc.

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