February 23, 2025
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Renewed trouble in ‘relaxed’ concert audience

Renewed trouble in ‘relaxed’ concert audience

Relaxed concerts don’t please many of the people much of the time. Especially if patrons are encouraged to bring in more drinks, as they are by the CBSO management in Birmingham.

This is from the theatreboard site:
Went to the CBSO’s John Williams concert at the symphony hall this evening and was the worst behaved audience I have ever seen! I went on the trip with college with 46 other teenagers who were immaculately behaved (not too big ourselves up haha). There must of been something in the air use every minute there was someone out their seat in the grand circle which was incredibly distracting. In the second half a couple with a small child who were in the middle of the front row left and came back about four times which is distracting. Second problem was intoxicated people. The audience was made up of all age groups with lots of families with young children (under 10 years of age) but during the end of the first act when they performed a section from Schindlers list a heavily intoxicated man infront of me started shouting and whooping, then during the applause he got up and shouted even more. At the interval he left just after shouting at his partner infrint if everyone. Final problem was phones!!! Constant sound of them going off and people trying to film but leaving the flash on. It was so bloody annoying!

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