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San Francisco Symphony to merge with Opera?

San Francisco Symphony to merge with Opera?
San Francisco Symphony to merge with Opera?

A probing San Francisco Standard report by Adam Lashinsky, published today, into the turmoil at San Francisco Symphony raises many questions about the depth of its financial and managerial woes in the wake of Esa-Pekka Salonen’s resignation. It detects disquiet on many fronts.

… (CEO Matthew) Spivey also said that neither he nor the board have begun searching for Salonen’s replacement, a process that at other symphonies has taken years. 

Strange rumors are also swirling. Chatter is emanating from musician groups that (SFSO president) Geeslin—whose husband, financier Keith Geeslin, is a former president of the San Francisco Opera—is plotting to merge the two august organizations. It’s a suggestion that, on the one hand, is far-fetched— Spivey claims ignorance about these claims….

Read on here.

pictured: Spivey, Geeslin

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