September 19, 2024
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The dirtiest look I ever got was from a Dutch conductor

The dirtiest look I ever got was from a Dutch conductor

Chicago psychologist Dr Gerald Stein, in his latest post, recalls his brief encounter with a Dutch conductor of ephemeral fame.

….I looked up at the baton-smith, maybe 10 feet away.

He looked down at me, which can be understood in two ways, both true: I was beneath him and a lowly usher in a crappy uniform who intruded on his art, to boot.

W’s expression was the equivalent of a slap in the face while simultaneously sticking out your tongue. It was the dirtiest look I have ever received.

To call it a sneer sounds too mild. A momentary fit of disgust. His visage displayed contempt as if he were uttering, “What in God’s name are you doing here? Do you know who I am”…

Read the full article here.

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