Radio Tritonous
Radio Tritonous

University fires half of the national string quartet

University fires half of the national string quartet

Victoria University of Wellington has announced the resignation of Helene Pohl and Rolf Gjelsten, first violinist and cellist of the New Zealand String Quartet.

The married couple were accused of mismanaging ‘serious and sensitive issues’ and of unnamed conflicts of interest. No details have been released and the couple have not spoken.

From the brutal official statement: All parties want to acknowledge and apologise to those affected by these issues. As a result of these issues, Helene and Rolf felt it was in the best interests of everyone involved that they resigned with immediate effect. Their 30 years service with the Quartet is acknowledged.

It gets worse: ‘Where possible the Quartet intends to fulfil its remaining 2024 engagements and to present its 2025 season with the addition of special guest artists.’

Their profiles have been removed from the quartet’s website.

This seems exceptionally harsh. What did they commit – grand larceny? with guns?

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