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Winchester Cathedral, you’re bringing me down

Winchester Cathedral, you’re bringing me down
Winchester Cathedral, you’re bringing me down

The suppurating discontent at one of England’s finest houses of worship burst into full flood in today’s Mail on Sunday.


Winchester Cathedral is reeling from the controversy that has seen key figures leave, with Canon Precentor Andy Trenier accused of a dictatorial management style.

He is said to have berated the Director of Music Dr Andrew Lumsden in front of the boy choristers, and told singers they could leave if they didn’t agree with his approach. Those targeted by his volcanic temper are said to have been left trembling.

Canon Trenier’s relationship with the eight adult male lay clerks is said to have irretrievably broken down amid allegations that he has been coercive, manipulative and belittling. They are four short of their usual tally of 12 because, his critics say, working at Winchester is now seen as a poison chalice….

Holy moly.

More here.

They need to look into the CofE’s Head of Human Resources, as we have reported.


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