September 19, 2024
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Composers cry foul as their notation software is stopped

Composers cry foul as their notation software is stopped

The Finale technology has made this announcement:

– There will be no further updates to Finale, or any of its associated tools (PrintMusic, Notepad, Songwriter)
– It is no longer possible to purchase or upgrade Finale in the MakeMusic eStore
– Finale will continue to work on devices where it is currently installed (barring OS changes)
– After one year, beginning August 2025, these changes will go into effect:

– It will not be possible to authorize Finale on any new devices, or reauthorize Finale
– Support for Finale v27 or any other version of Finale will no longer be available.

For a limited time, users of any version of Finale or PrintMusic can purchase Dorico Pro for just $149 (retail price $579).

Composer responses on social media range from outrage to despair. ‘A bummer for many of us,’ is one of the milder comments.

The post Composers cry foul as their notation software is stopped appeared first on Slippedisc.

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