September 19, 2024
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Dutch diva dumps Covent Garden

Dutch diva dumps Covent Garden

The Royal Opera informs us that Eva-Maria Westbroek has withdrawn from all performances of Festen ‘due to personal reasons’.

The new opera by Mark Anthony Turnage, based on the Danish cult film, does not premiere until next February. Whatever the personal reasons, they seem likely to last a very long time. Probably not to do with the score: she starred in Turnage’s last opera, Anna-Nicole.

Westbroek, 54, will be replaced by the young English mezzo-soprano Rosie Aldridge.

Also in the cast are Allan Clayton, Stéphane Degout, Gerald Finley and Natalya Romaniw.

The post Dutch diva dumps Covent Garden appeared first on Slippedisc.

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