March 29, 2025
Athens, GR 13 C
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Forty Years of Inspiring Musicians: Carol Main MBE FRC will step back from her role as Director of Live Music Now Scotland – a post she has held since the founding of this organisation in 1984

Forty Years of Inspiring Musicians: Carol Main MBE FRC will step back from her role as Director of Live Music Now Scotland – a post she has held since the founding of this organisation in 1984
Twogether Duo and Carol Main
Twogether Duo and Carol Main

Live Music Now was the brainchild of Lord Menuhin, and has provided talented musicians at the outset of their careers with professional performance and training opportunities, making live music accessible to all members of society, regardless of their circumstances. 

In March 2025, Carol Main MBE FRC will step back from her role as Director of Live Music Now Scotland (LMNS) – a post she has held since the founding of this organisation in 1984. In Carol Main’s first year at , working half a day a week, LMNS put on 60 concerts, with a handful of classical ensembles; today, that figure has increased more than tenfold, with at least 750 performances being delivered by a current pool of around 145 musicians.

The LMNS Board has requested that Carol remain in a part-time consultancy role after March 2025, with a specific focus on fundraising and to continue her work with Live Music Now International. 

Amanda Forsyth, Chair of LMNS, said “The debt of gratitude that the whole Live Music Now family owes to Carol is impossible to quantify. Over the forty years of her Directorship, LMNS has grown and thrived, despite many challenges along the way – a living tribute to Carol’s energy, skill and dedication to sharing the joy of music as widely as possible. Our task now, as a Board of Trustees, is to find the very special person who is going to be able to pick up the baton, and conduct LMNS through the years to come.”

The role of Chief Executive has been advertised, with applications to be received by 31st July 2024. 

Full details from the LMNS website.

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