Chicago Symphony nets $10m gift
Investor Jennifer Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation has just given ten mill to her local band. Half of it goes into a chellenge fund to secure matching grants. Ms Pritzker retired as a lieutenant colonel from the […]
Investor Jennifer Pritzker’s Tawani Foundation has just given ten mill to her local band. Half of it goes into a chellenge fund to secure matching grants. Ms Pritzker retired as a lieutenant colonel from the […]
Gabriel van Aalst, President & CEO of the New Jersey Symphony since 2016, is leaving in September to run a performing arts centre in Dayron, Ohio. An Australian who studied in London and was CEO […]
Matthew Feargrieve, a lawyer who assaulted an underwear designer who was trying to climb into the neighbouring seat at the opera in March 2019, has been suspended for 12 months by the Bar Standards Board. […]
The German town of Heimbach has named a road bridge to its power station in honour of the late Lars Vogt, founder of its music festival. Vogt, who died of cancer in September 2022, initiated […]
The Korea Times reports that more than a dozen music professots have been referred to the prosecution authorities after the police investigated allegations of fixews exams and underhand gifts. Five are charged with committing college […]
The Church Times reports that the Bishop of Winchester has ordered an independent investigation into recent events at the Cathedral, amid allegations of bullying and forced departures. The latest development is the resignation of former […]
This is the official musical theme of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, composed by Victor le Masne. It’s called Parade. This was London 2012. Your call. The post Has Paris any idea what an Olympic […]
Welsh First Minister Vaughan Gething was asked about the closure of the junior department of the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama. ‘I’d ask the College to think again about the choice they made,’ […]
We have learned of the death of Graham Lyons, inventor of the Lyons C Clarinet. Offiical CV: Graham Lyons started the piano at the age of six but at thirteen, inspired by Benny Goodman, switched […]
The funeral of Jodie Devos, who died of breast cancer this weekend aged 35, will take place on Saturday June 22, 2024 at 10 a.m. at Saint-Aubain Cathedral in her home town, Namur. The ceremony […]