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Haydn’s Die Schöpfung: a Dresden creation

<div>Haydn's Die Schöpfung: a Dresden creation</div>
Haydn's Die Schöpfung: a Dresden creation

This is a stunningly beautiful Creation (it is sung in German, so properly, Schöpfung). The city of Dresden is a jewel in Germany’s crown, so full of rich music and projects (witness the ongoing authentic-instrument Ring with Nagano and the scholarship around that, all based in that city).

This is a live performance, with no patching (I believe) so it is not 100% studio-polished, but it is certainly compelling.

Janowski sculpts (the right word for it) the Introduction supremely well:

The choir gets a chance to reveal its excellence in the approach to the great opening out on the word ‘Light’ (Licht). Listen to their beauty here – it is a great chorus that shines in such low dynamic levels:

.. and just listen to the choir at the words “Und eine neue Welt” (affectionately named “a newly rebuilt wall” amongst musicians when I was young, I seem to remember!):

The MDR (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk – Central German Radio) chorus are spectacular t injecting counterpoint with life, as they do here:

Tenor Benjamin Bruns is the soloist at the beginning of that excertpt, singing the par of Uriel. The other male soloist is Tareq Namzi, who sings both Raphael and Adam. If not as immediately impressive as Bruns, he nevertheless is confident.

The part of Raphael (and, indeed, Eva) goes to the wonderful Christiane Karg, one of the finest singers of today. She doesn’t disappoint in “Mir Stainen ssieht Das Wunderwerk” (Teh marv’lous work behinds amazed”):

.. and is even more compelling in “Nur beut die Flur das frische Grün” (With verdure clads the fields appear delightful). her purity is wonderful, as is her agility:

Part II’s “Auf starkem Fittiche” (On mighty pens) is a third example, interactions with woodwind beautifully managed.

I do need to hear more of Benjamin Bruns. He has it all, as you can hear in this, “Mit Würd’ und Hoheit” from the close of Part II:

It is a pity Nazmi does not match quite his fellow soloists. His “und die Engel rührt ihr unterblichen Harfen” is really rather dull; the duets in the final part find Karg shining and Kuzmi in a lower league, unfortunately.

There is much to enjoy here in this recording made in Dresden’s Kulturpalast. If you are a Christian Karg fan, do not hesitate; elsewhere, there is much to enjoy, to, and I am glad to spend so much time listening to Bruns. We previously covered Jordi Savall’s Schöpfung on Classical Explorer, who remains top recommendation.

The set is available at Amazon here.

Die Schöpfung (The Creation) Hob. XXI:2 | IDAGIO
Listen to Joseph Haydn’s Die Schöpfung (The Creation) Hob. XXI:2, performed by Marek Janowski, Christiane Karg, Benjamin Bruns, Tareq Nazmi, Katharina Kunz, Manja Raschka, Dresdner Philharmonie, MDR Rundfunkchor. Discover and compare alternative recordings.

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